Friday, August 1, 2008

Changes at SPT

Small Press Traffic welcomes two new board members:
Gloria Frym & Barbara Jane Reyes - both are long-time Bay Area writers & activists in a variety of local communities, and we look forward to having them on the board.
At the same time, we are sad to announce that board member Stephanie Young has chosen to move on, after many years of service - our thanks for all the hard work, Stephanie - you'll be missed!

In the interests of transparency, here is how SPT choses its board members: current board members, along with the Director, discuss and nominate potential candidates (including those who have expressed interest and/or have been recommended to us by members of the community), and we then discuss and build consensus toward a list of finalists. After gauging each candidate's interest, availability, and compatibility, the board holds a vote.  

SPT is always looking for energetic, committed volunteers and potential board members!